Leaving Illinois

leaving illinois

The decision to move was made quickly, making our last few weeks Illinois a little stressful. Our contract for our apartment expired the beginning of July forcing us to make a change one way or another. Isaac was waiting to hear back about some jobs that he had applied for/interviewed for, so we weren't sure exactly what we wanted to do or where we would be moving if we left. It seemed like we needed to stay just a little longer in Illinois. We initially tossed around the idea of trying to find an apartment that rented month to month, staying in an extended stay hotel for a while, or ideally talking our apartment management into letting us stay a few more months since no one had yet agreed to rent our apartment once our lease was up. We explored all of these paths and none of them really seemed to work out or seem appropriate. After a lot of prayer, we made the decision at the very last second to take the job offer at Wencor and move back to Utah. I had to give my work leave notice that very day in order to be within the required "two week notice" time frame.

Although we were a little pushed for time and probably should have made this decision earlier if possible, it all worked out great. We were able to say our goodbye's, tie off lose ends, pack up our things, rent our big moving truck, clean the apartment, and give one last primary lesson before driving the 28 hour trip across the country.

On our last night in Illinois, we took one last ride down our favorite back path, caught a few fireflies, watched the sun set over the corn field, and talked about our favorite memories in Illinois and the things that we would miss most. On the top of our list was definitely the friends that we had made there. We hope to be able to keep in touch and maybe go back to Illinois one day to visit. It really was such a good experience for us.

I was initially hesitant at first about moving back to Utah, but now that we are here and have had some time to settle in, it feels like the right decision. It is amazing how when you look back over your life you can always see how the Lord has guided led you down a life path that is the perfect path for you. We are unsure exactly how long we will be here or how things will pan out while we are here, but we know that with the help of the Lord, everything will work out just as it should.