Called to Serve

Isn't he handsome? My little Brother has been called to serve a mission in Stockholm Sweden. He started his training at the missionary training center in Provo, UT on December 29, 2010 and I already miss him. Here is a small piece of his testimony which I swiped from his facebook account. I am sure that he will be a great missionary and am excited that he has the opportunity to dedicate two years of his life to sharing the Gospel of Jesus which has been restored to the earth.
"I am leaving for 2 years to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Stockholm, Sweden. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, I know that He lives and loves all of His children, and I know that he has restored His gospel upon the earth today. This message has changed my life and brought me so much peace and happiness. When you know that something is true, you can't withhold it from others. I want to share my testimony with the world."


Deb Lamb said...

Ohhhh, he IS handsome, isn't he?!

Isaac said...

He's going to be a great missionary.