Springing Forward

April is the cruellest month, breeding
Liliacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in a forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.

The meaning of first line in T. S. Elliot's well known poem "The Waste Land" perplexed me as we studied his work in High School. Why would April be the cruelest month? Aside from tax day and the fact that the weather flip-flops back and forth, playing with your emotions, April doesn't appear to be cruel. After all, who doesn't love spring?

However, April and the associated onset of spring is a time of change, and change can be difficult, cruel even. After laying dormant all winter long, covered by a blanket of status quo and getting by on good enough, spring is a chance to become renewed. It is a time to evaluate our lives, see where we are lacking, and make the change to become a new person, a new life, a liliac growing out of the dead ground.


I am ready to make some significant changes in my life including my physical well-being, and my spiritual closeness to my Savior. I am sure that it will be difficult, require more time and energy than I may feel I can give, but April showers really do bring beautiful May flowers.


Brad and Erica said...

I love when you blog, Taniel. You are so thoughtful in your writing; reading it is a joy. It was great to read about what you have been up to for the last few months. I wish that we could see you more, but I am glad to hear from you and see pictures. We love you!

Steph said...

Chan!! So glad to see a few new posts from you. I bet you are counting down the days until Ikes graduates - that is so exciting. Paper chain? Maybe when he is all official and has an airplane you guys should come visit us in Brazil. This is your cordial and official invitation and it stands for the next five years.
By the way, I LOVE your blog design. It's so clean and hip. I secretly hate the majority of blog designs I see, but not yours!

Laralee and Jake said...

I love reading your posts. Only a month left! I am so excited for you guys. I hope you guys end up out west! Can't wait to see you again. I am glad that your mom was able to come out to see and help you. Mom's are great, aren't they? I love the pictures of you and your mom together. They are so cute!!

Deb Lamb said...

Taniel, I love you. End of story.

Martha said...

HURRRRAAAYYY! I'm so glad you are blogging again! I agree with Stephanie, your blog design is really great! I miss you both!