
Happiness is:

A full flat of fresh strawberries which I can and will finish off all by myself

Feeling my baby kick, wiggle, and hiccup inside my belly. Only 10 weeks left until I get to meet her. I can't wait (and a belly photo for my mom, who has been asking one. A little blurry, but a photo nevertheless.)
baby bump

Seeing signs of spring starting to emerge. It isn't much, but it means that more sun is on the way!


Brad and Erica said...

I'm so glad you posted a belly photo! You look great! And I am totally jealous of the strawberries. Spring is on its way here too - it makes me soooo happy. Love you!

Steph said...

CUTE BELLY!!!!!! Love your face too :) so excited for you! 10 weeks is soon!! 19 and counting here... Wahoo!!

Deb Lamb said...

I'm home! I can now talk to you again and comment on your blog. You look B-A-U-T-FUL!! I need another picture of that belly now that it has been a few weeks.

Josh and Kelli said...

Oh my goodness!!! So cute Taniel! I'm so excited for you!!